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Institut für Kunst und Architektur
Masterstudium; Architektur
Betreuung: Seraji, Nasrine
Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure: Network of Towns in Baltic Sea Region,
Abschlussjahr: 2012
Thesis project ‘Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure’ concerns the future of rural territories in the Baltic Sea Region and especially a network of towns in Latvia. It explores the interrelations of variety of scales and networks a territory can consist of therefore positioning future architect/urbanist as the one to deal with all those complex relations.
The aim is to envision rural life with a capacity to compete with one in large urban areas.
Population of the world is growing and the concentration of it in vast cities along it. Thesis considers the territories that are left behind these large urban areas – countryside. Along the growing population of world the state of land has to be considered as an increasingly valuable resource that is needed for food, materials and energy; recreation, tourism, housing; that is storing carbon, supporting biodiversity and human activities. The population of countryside is the one that will provide urbanized world with all these resources. Urban areas require 10 times larger territories of countryside. Along the growth of cities countryside should evolve in the same pace. But actually what happens in lot of areas is the opposite. The population is decreasing, the land is abandoned and the infrastructure disappears.
Shrinking is a general phenomenon, but there is not a generic solution – it should be treated specifically to each place. Therefore with my thesis I aim to highlight the local specificities in different scales in order to use them as actors for the development strategies that revitalise and intensify the life within a network of small towns. The networks of exploration – Local Mobility, Multipurpose Forestry, Local Food Distribution, Nature Recreation – aims to add the value locally for the resources in order to use the process of production for regenerating small urban centres. Furthermore urban regeneration demands for specific spatial implementations. Finally, zooming out in larger Baltic Sea Regional Scale, Latvia gains potential for economic growth through sustainable use of local resources.
The project is a study of how to develop strategies for rural territories by the superimposition of specificities in different scales in order to grasp the complexity of rural landscape and its future.
A complex matrix of drawings in different scales are created in order to portray the necessity of a multilayered development that shifts scales.
The aim is to envision rural life with a capacity to compete with one in large urban areas.
Population of the world is growing and the concentration of it in vast cities along it. Thesis considers the territories that are left behind these large urban areas – countryside. Along the growing population of world the state of land has to be considered as an increasingly valuable resource that is needed for food, materials and energy; recreation, tourism, housing; that is storing carbon, supporting biodiversity and human activities. The population of countryside is the one that will provide urbanized world with all these resources. Urban areas require 10 times larger territories of countryside. Along the growth of cities countryside should evolve in the same pace. But actually what happens in lot of areas is the opposite. The population is decreasing, the land is abandoned and the infrastructure disappears.
Shrinking is a general phenomenon, but there is not a generic solution – it should be treated specifically to each place. Therefore with my thesis I aim to highlight the local specificities in different scales in order to use them as actors for the development strategies that revitalise and intensify the life within a network of small towns. The networks of exploration – Local Mobility, Multipurpose Forestry, Local Food Distribution, Nature Recreation – aims to add the value locally for the resources in order to use the process of production for regenerating small urban centres. Furthermore urban regeneration demands for specific spatial implementations. Finally, zooming out in larger Baltic Sea Regional Scale, Latvia gains potential for economic growth through sustainable use of local resources.
The project is a study of how to develop strategies for rural territories by the superimposition of specificities in different scales in order to grasp the complexity of rural landscape and its future.
A complex matrix of drawings in different scales are created in order to portray the necessity of a multilayered development that shifts scales.
Dank an Karlis Berzins, Tina Wintersteiger, Nefeli Papakyriakopoulou, Achim Reese, Alexis Roy