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Institut für Kunst und Architektur
Masterstudium; Architektur
Betreuung: Tschapeller, Wolfgang
Models come out of Models. An investigation into the model of Suprematism, by analysing the 'Architecton Alpha' by Kasimir Malevich, 2015
Abschlussjahr: 2015
The thesis investigates the elusive architectural model of Suprematism, by analysing the 'Architecton Alpha' by Kasimir Malevich. A solid plaster sculpture of a supposedly levitating building, but weighing 23 kg. I approached this topic by developing the theoretical research in tandem with building and re-building models of the architecton. Searching for ways on how the act of making can influence theory.

This methodology of repetition in the spirit of Gilles Deleuze creates a situation, where no observation can be made twice, where every step informs the next. Thus creating a series of models, that informs a contemporary statement on Suprematism and the role of the architecture model as such.

This methodology created an understanding of the black square – the nucleus of Malevich’s art – as the original protopixel, as 1 and 0. Thereby leading – on a sometimes meandering path – towards a gradual dematerialization of the original plaster model, finally arriving at Augmented Reality Architecture, for which I created a custom iOS App. Opening up the possibility of freeing conceptual architecture models from hard drives and paper, placing them in the world around us, to be experienced by everyone.
Dank an Wolfgang Tschapeller und Angelika Schnell.
