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Institut für bildende Kunst
Bildende Kunst; Studienzweig Bildende Kunst
Betreuung: Guttmann, Yair Martin
Out in the Dark,
Abschlussjahr: 2022
Pigmentdruck auf Hahnemühle Baryta Papier
30 x 45 cm, 45 x 45 cm
30 x 45 cm, 45 x 45 cm
Photography is about recording what is under light. Through my artwork, I try to do the opposite and use the camera to record what is out there, in the dark. This idea is once again inverted in my diploma project, where darkness is no longer the starting point for the making of the works but the final destination. Just as photography is no longer the means by which the images are produced, but the metaphor that guides the unfolding of that process. Here, obviousness gives way to mystery, and logic is mixed up with fantasy and fiction. The camera is replaced by a scanner and the motifs they reproduce are actually plate-like objects made of melted paraffin wax. The dark and grayish pictures coming from these plates are like landscapes of the depths of the mind, and the subjects inhabiting these landscapes are like mental images of memories of frights.